Sunday, January 25, 2015

Hiroshima lunch AND dinner at Nagata-ya!!

After our somber walk beside the dome, before crossing the canal, we took a side trip and headed to this little shopping area and our lunch destination-- Nagata-ya to try some Hiroshima Style Okonomiyaki!

The spatula depicted inside the square shows the tool used to cut and serve the okonomiyaki.

The pictures show noodles served as Original, Deluxe, Special, Oyster, Seafood, and Garlic. But, a few other options are Cheese & Shrimp, Kimchi & Green Onion, Squid Chips & Siso, Green Onion, and Normal.

We opted for the Garlic containing pork, egg, cheese, garlic chips, kimchi, and green onions served atop your choice of soba or udon noodles. (And now I can't remember which ones we got! I just know we got the skinnier noodles.)
Then topped off with mayonnaise and a bit more sauce...... YUM!!!

Matter of fact, we liked it so much, that Rodney and I went back there for dinner!!! It was pretty funny to see the look on the hostess' face when she recognized us from lunch!!
They have grill-side seating and table seating. We were seated at a table with a decent view of the grill.

On one end of the huge grill, they make the thin 'pancakes' which are then placed on top of the grilled noodle piles.

Then, brushed with sauce and sprinkled with seasonings...
...toppings added...
...before being brought to the table and placed on the table grill!
I'm just realizing I evidently didn't get a picture of the spatula/server, but you can just see mine laying on my plate.

If we lived there, one of us may have checked into this--- it was SO good!!

Their bathroom sink was awesome!!
The top of the sink has two spouts, one for soap and one for water, while the bottom of the sink has a built in hand dryer!! Pretty ingenious, I thought-- have the water being blown off the hands go right down the sink instead of all over the floor!!

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