Thursday, July 21, 2011

Okinawa World

When Rodney and I visited earlier, the little flower pots were full of lovely flowers. But this was after Typhoon Songda which wind-burned and withered much of the foliage on the island. In spite of that, these are still adorable Shisas :) 

"Habu and Mongoose Fun Show"

A very nasty habu

The snake handler discussed (in Japanese) the habits and characteristics of habu.

Then she discussed the differences of the cobra from the habu. A cobra has a 90 degree strike area right in front of it, but the habu can strike in a full 360 degrees!!!

They also are heat sensitive. It ignored the white balloon containing cold water, but struck at and popped the warm water blue balloon faster than the blink of an eye!!! With their speed and poison level they are BAD NEWS!!

After the show, you can pose with a python. Rachel only agreed to it since I could do it with her. For the first pic, the snake was calm and looking forward. But THEN it started moving some and turned its head to Rachel and she just about lost it!!

Then, Rodney was so brave, he TOUCHED the python!! Which, for "he who doesn't do snakes" was a truly major accomplishment!! The Japanese snake charmer was trying so hard to get him to wear it :)

Gyokusendo Cave

Kingdom Village

Rodney was practicing playing a three-string Japanese guitar called a "san-shin."

Rachel being a true weaver weaving a bookmark :)

The sunglasses just make the outfit, don't they?!?

That's Rachel's reaction when we visit Doctor Fish!!

Yep, that's bitty fish niblin' on our feet!!

We ended our visit watching the Eisa Dancer and Taiko Drummer show!!
(hie-SIE = hello in Okinawan)
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