At our house, it actually looked like snow coming down, but it was ash. Rodney picked us up some masks for when we had to take Truman out. We hated to have him out in it, but a dog's gotta do what a dog's gotta do!! When we'd walk down the sidewalk, we'd leave trails behind us in the dusting of ash. Truman didn't like it, but he'd get his feet washed everytime we'd get back to the house.
The thing about wildfires that can make you the most crazy is that you having to evacuate can be so on-again, off-again..... "The fire's headed your way, get ready to move out!...... Oh, well, the wind changed, you're safe now!..... Oh, wait! The wind changed again and now its headed your way again, get things ready!.... Never mind, you're ok!..... Oh, well, maybe not!......" That went on for a few days! That rollercoaster of do we leave or do we stay?? That can get unnerving! But, we made it through and lived to tell the tale :)
Here a few pics I took in our back yard, just to show you what it looked like outside. These were taken a few minutes apart about mid-day.And, yes, that's smoke.....
Yes, the sun is still back there!!
Since we weren't able to spend time outside, we took off for the beach for some fresh air!! Most of what you see in the sky is the typical marine layer that rolls in off the ocean each evening. Truman got to make a new friend!
Late afternoon sun over Pt. Loma.....

So, as food for thought, I'll ask you this question---
If you had to limit your life and possessions to ONE car load, what would you keep??
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