Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Typhoon Season 2012 Grand Finale!!

As the end of September neared, we realized we had another target painted on our little island on another weekend!! Typhoon Jelawat approached and began her attack at the end of the day on Friday, September 28, just a few days after being classified a Category 5 Super Typhoon!!! Thankfully, she had downgraded just a bit before running over us.

All night we heard her yowl and blow....
Finally, a break came along Saturday morning by way of the eye and we were able to get a glimpse of some of the damage done to that point....

Our landlord was going to have quite a mess to clean up after the storm!!

It may look like rain, but it's actually blowing water!!
It was so loud it was like constant roar in our house. Too loud to even try to read a book or watch a movie!!  From time to time, the doors would whistle an almost ear piercing shrill.... FUN!

It even blew over this heavy, anchored vending machine!!

The only damage we had from any of the typhoons.... The wind ripped the lattice off the railing which then ripped the screen off the sliding door. 

As the back half of the storm rolled over us, it knocked out our power.
Sunday morning finally rolled around with sunshine starting to peek through. We still didn't have power, but given the "all clear" we headed out to check out the neighborhood.
Our first casualty----

First errand after a typhoon--- the car wash!!!

We soaked in the fresh air and headed down to the park. The waves are spellbinding after a typhoon!!!

The park was covered in sand!!

As were the vending machines and statues!!

The flea market down on the corner was completely destroyed.
This Lawson's suffered some serious damage, as well, losing much of their signage and part of the ceiling inside.

Such a trippy picture!! It was crazy how the trees were blown over to same angle. Although, there were some that were blown all the way over.

That poor BMW!!
The windshield was completely spider-webbed.
And, these people won't be watching satellite anytime soon!

It was still a few more hours before our power came back on after about 24 hours. Although, that was relatively nothing considering there were many villages on the northern part of the island without power for five days!!
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