Friday, February 26, 2010

Bay Bridge Walk

One of the ways we passed the rest of the time until the ship came home was to do the Bay Bridge Walk. This is the big fundraiser for MWR. The Morale, Welfare, and Recreation provides free and discounted activities for sailors and their families. Being such a good cause and to be able to say, "I walked across that bridge!," a few of the spouses and I signed up...... Now, the bridge itself is 2.5 miles long; so add to that the distance we had to walk just to get to the bridge and the distance on the other end to get to the Celebration area, the walk was a good 4 miles long!

This is Angie and her kids. Once the walk started, we didn't see them until the end---they ran it!!
These are the ladies I walked with....Can you tell the two on the ends are sisters? The boys belong to Susan (on the right) and the little girl belongs to Tara (in the middle with me).

And we're OFF!!!.......We're going uphill, but its not the bridge. We have to go over this little hill, turn right, then make the steep curve on-ramp to actually get on the bridge which you can see in the horizon....
I turned around to take this picture. We are getting ready to climb the on-ramp to the bridge...
We have made it up the on-ramp and are pretty much "officially" on the bridge....

This is the view of downtown.
It was a cool, gray day which made it great for walking, but not so great for pictures!

And the view of the ship yards...
We are getting closer!! We've made it to Coronado, but look at all that bridge we have left to cross.....!!
HAD to get a picture of ME on the bridge! I didn't want anyone to think I had just bought the pictures!! :)
MILE 3!!! Literally on the downhill slide now!!
We've made it off the bridge, circling back under and headed to the CELEBRATION!! That bridge just doesn't seem near as daunting once you've crossed it on foot....
You are Welcome!
Time to relax and enjoy the entertainment...
And believe me, there are not many more entertaining than my little buddy, Will!!

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