Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Beijing -- Ming Tomb

Ming Tombs and the Sacred Way are the burial place for thirteen Ming Dynasty Emperors.

As you can see from the familiar architecture, this was originally built in the same time period as the Forbidden City and Temple of Heaven. Unfortunately, for us, the buildings all began to look alike after awhile..... 

Silk Burning Stove 

The marble path was originally only walked on by the Emperor. 

Not sure what the money's for... wishes? prayers? upkeep? 

Rodney headed up to the gate tower. 

Looking back down at the grounds and the Emperor's Path from the gate tower. 

Looking like its going to be another beautiful sunset over Beijing!

I thought the clouds look like a bird in full wing span.

Now, for a different look at the Ming Tombs....

 A four-star toilet!!!!
Uummm..... if this one was a four-star, we sure wouldn't want to see a one- or two-star toilet!!
It was too crowded to really get pictures inside, but we were able to capture a collection of toilet signage...

While we're on the subject of toilets, this is a good time to point out that if you ever find yourself travelling to China, you need to be prepared for two things---
1~ be proficient in the use of squattie potties, as you very likely may find yourself with no other option!
2~ carry your own toilet paper!! Not because theirs is like sandpaper or anything, but because there simply may not be any!! If they did provide tp, you'll be likely to find it as one roll by the entrance, instead of in each stall, so be sure and grab some when its your turn! Evidently, when they put it in each stall, its all gone (taken home) by mid-day...

And, a couple more fun signage pieces...

And here's comes that gorgeous sunset...
as we make our way to Sacred Way... 
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