Friday, December 3, 2010

Our Island Rig

 This is Rodney's island run-around rig....a Suzuki X-90!!
It's a two-seater about the size of a Mazda Miata, but has a 4-wheel drive and a 5-inch lift kit!! It really looks like a baby monster truck :) It's so funny to be driving behind him and see the heads turning to watch that little red machine drive by knowing they're probably trying to figure out what it is!!!

 Here's our "nice" car :)
It's a Toyota Funcargo. It is fun to drive, too! See how little the tires are?? That's why its so funny to see REAL tires on the X-90!
And, yes, the steering wheels are on the right and we drive on the left. The pedals are all in the same place, but the column gear shift and wipers are on the left, while the turn signal is on the right. It's not uncommon to turn on the wipers when intending to turn on the turn signal!!

The catch with driving over here is this: as Americans, we are considered "professional drivers" to the Japanese, so if we are in an accident, whether its our fault or not, its our fault because we are the "professional drivers"!! So, gotta be careful!

1 comment:

  1. So if the pedals are in same place..does the passenger have to control them?
