Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Okinawa Update

Before I continue with postings from our summer, I thought I would give you an update of our move. We now have our government passports in hand! Mine will only be used when I move to Japan, then when I move back to the states. Rodney will carry his when he travels for work. For any traveling we do on our own, we'll carry our civilian passports.
I have relinquished my Chick-fil-A responsibilities into capable hands and am now spending pretty much all my time sorting through "stuff"! We are sorting into a handful of areas; we have one section that will be going out the door to DAV or friends, then an area for what will go with us on our road trip back home. Then there are the sections for the move itself: what goes in the express shipment (what you'd need on an island for two weeks), what goes in the regular shipment (household goods), then the majority of our belongings will go into storage. And the packing starts NEXT MONDAY!!! Simply cannot believe its already here......
So, yes the pack out begins Monday with the express shipment. That will actually be short and sweet. We basically have the size of a closet to fill (no, not a walk-in :), so that won't take them long to pack up. Then Tuesday, they'll pack out the rest of the household goods, Wednesday will be the pack up for storage, then Thursday they'll carry it out. At that point, we'll give the house a good "wash down" then hit the road on Friday  to make a road trip to Missouri by way of Texas!! Following our visit, we'll make our way back to San Diego and put Rodney on a plane early in the morning, Sept. 22. Truman and I will follow a week or two later (having to wait for cooler weather for Truman to be in cargo.)
So, as of now, that is where we stand. I'll post updates along as I finish up our summer excitement :)

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