Saturday, May 25, 2013

Shanghai -- Chinese Acrobats Part 2

Then, the most romantic routine of the show....

I could have watched them 'fly' all evening....
Then, the most fun routine of the show....
The part where they need a "volunteer from the audience"....
And, of course, they came to our group....
And .... they picked Rodney!!!

It was the silent 'comedy' team who spun the plates! 

Rodney was having a good time, until..... 

At one point, you could read his lips as he said,
"Oh, crap..."!! 

They didn't actually throw the knives,
but, instead stabbed them in ;0) 

They took good care of him!!
And as they escorted him off stage,
they slipped a souvenir key chain in his hand! 

Now this is what I call acrobats!!!!

It's amazing to think of the determination and dedication these team members must have working all their young lives to make it to this stage!!!

Sunny was so excited that one of our group members made it to the stage!!!
She wanted her picture taken with a celebrity!!
See, it turns out that the show is aired on
CCTV (Central China Television)!!!!!!!
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