Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sachi's Japanese Antiques

After our romp around the Nakijin Castle site, we loaded up our little caravan and headed to Sachi's Japanese Antiques....
One of the views along our journey...
This was one of the first of MANY handmade Shisas to greet us! He's so fitting since the Japanese tend to throw up a peace sign when getting their picture taken :-)
Then we were guided through the process of making our own Shisas. Since we were wearing gloves while working with our little wad of cement(?) I wasn't able to take pictures during the process, but here is my finished product! And, since we only made one, it had an open mouth to capture those evil spirits ;-) 
 Sachi's husband taught our class. The trick is he doesn't speak English! So, it was a demonstration lesson--he'd demonstrate each step and we'd (attempt!) to do likewise! BTW~ her husband is the one in the blue shirt NOT the orange shisa creature!!
This little guy was on the wall I was facing when creating my Shisa.
His seashell tail is cute!

Once our Shisas were created and set to dry, we got to explore the grounds. She actually has an antique shop(s) on the property, but since she wasn't there that day, the shops weren't open. As it turns out, though, there was still PLENTY to truly was a feast for the eyes!!

 "Back in the day" these would have been pens to house pigs or other animals. Now they are a brilliant display of greenery and hand-crafted creations.
 We could peek into the shops, but not go in to purchase

 Her place has a great view!!

 I thought this guy was just awesome!!
 These are little Shisas playing on this piece of rock...I'm not sure if it's volcanic/lava type rock or coral-type rock...Probably the latter..... But, adorable none-the-less!!
This guy bade us safe journeys.... 

It was then time to carefully place our (still not dry) Shisas into the vehicles and make our way to lunch at 
Pizza in the Sky!!

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