Wednesday, July 31, 2013

2012 Holiday Season

The first holiday event of the season was a new experience for us. We, along with the Baileys, celebrated Hanukkah with our friends Leora and Yoni!

Leora lit the candles as Yoni sang through one of the songs.

We had a tasty dinner of broccoli, apple sauce, potato latkes, chicken, and salad.
When Yoni blessed the food, he explained the blessing given is based on the food on the table, be it grains, meat, vegetables, etc. Since our dinner was primarily vegetables, that was the blessing given.
During the blessing, of course, we good Southern Baptists all bowed our heads. After the blessing, Yoni commented that they don't bow their heads. He then demonstrated why not--- he bowed his head and his kippah fell off into his plate! We all started laughing!! Perfect visual ;0)
And, breathe easy--- we hadn't yet filled our plates!

(That's Penny Lane in the foreground.) 

After dinner, we played a rousing game of
"Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel"!!!
And, yes, we played for money----
kosher chocolate money!!!
(Gimel = Gi'me ALL the coins!)

Our Christmas decorations

We helped our upstairs and downstairs neighbors string these lights on our balconies. We didn't have any extra string of lights to add to the tree, so we added our penguin :) 

Wing Chaplains
Wing Chaplain Spouses

We had some RMT (Religious Ministry Team) Christmas fun at Macaroni Grill!!

Even though Rodney had just been moved up to Command Chaplain for Marine Aircraft Group 36 (MAG36), he was asked to make a repeat Santa performance for Marine Air Control Group 18 (MACG18)! So, I got to sit on Santa's lap again and give him a kiss!!

When we moved to the 'southern kingdom,' we started attending a church out in town, but took the opportunity of a Christmas Eve Service to make a run back up to the 'northern kingdom' and see our friends at the Courtney Chapel!


We followed suit of our Japanese neighbors and hung a New Year's wreath on our front porch.

Each piece of the wreath has a significance, all wishing blessings, health, and happiness for the new year, which is our wish to you.
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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Happy 237th, Chaplain Corps!!!

The setting sun on December 6, 2012, marks the beginning of one of the best evenings of the year!!!

Some of the greatest spouses I have ever had the pleasure of knowing and calling my friends!! 

Diane and me 

Brothers from other mothers ;0) 

Dinner and Entertainment

Then the 'Pomp and Circumstance'....
with the cake and the passing of the wheel.
This year's planning group passes the wheel to next year's...

"Thank you" to the Guest of Honor 
And, then it's time for FUN!!!

The Three Amigos 

Cutting a rug!!!

The highlight of ball season!!!!
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Friday, July 26, 2013

Pre-Ball Pedis

One of my favorite ChapSpouse traditions is getting pedicures as a group before the Chaplain Corps Birthday Ball!

The hardest part is deciding which pattern to choose from the book full of options! 

We always end our session with a ring of toes and group picture!

Have to decide-- toes to match the dress? or for the season?
I chose Christmas toes!! 

Then it's lunch time!!
This time we went for sushi....

My lunch of sauteed asparagus with bacon and garlic and an Alaska Roll..... YUM!
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