This is a mix of pictures taken at the four Marine Balls we attended in November showing what an evening at a ball looks like.....
This is the view you might see if your fun is at the Butler Officers' Club.
When entering the hall, you find your name on the list to learn your table number. Occasionally, your name might be misspelled :)
There will be a cake on display in the lobby...
...that might look good enough to eat!!
(But, mind you, it's a fake cake!!)
The social hour is a good time to get a few pictures of everyone all gussied up!

(What a small world we live in -- the Marine on the right is from Webb City, MO, and his wife is from Joplin, MO [which are just down the road from our hometown]!!)
Then you find your place at your table...
And maybe take a couple more pictures.
When they've requested everyone to their seats, its time for the ceremony to begin...
The color guard at attention.
The Adjutant reads (VERY loudly) the declaration of the beginning of the Marine Corps.
Occasionally, you might even get to hear "Amazing Grace" played on the bagpipes! It gave me goosebumps!!
The MC will also explain the table draped in black representing the missing Marines.
During the cake ceremony, three pieces are served. One each to the guest of honor, the oldest Marine attending and the youngest Marine attending. This year's youngest Marines at the four balls we attended were born in 1992 and 1993!!!
Following the guest of honor's speech, a special gift is given by the CO.
After the ceremony, it's time for dinner!!
And more visiting and more pictures :)
If you have a good DJ, it's then time to kick off the heels and hit the dance floor for a little 'Electric Slide' or 'Cupid Shuffle' or 'Cha-Cha Slide' or a cozy slow dance........
And, that's an evening at a Marine Corps Ball!