Walking into Gold Hall, we got a glimpse of some of the woodwork we'd see later. We bought our ticket and began our self-guided tour.
The view down to the path we'd follow.
It's built on this cliff which houses a vast display of bonsai trees and other vegetation. (We really want to go back---the brown wind-burnt vegetation was a result of Typhoon Songda.)
Rodney was amazed by this bonsai tree!
And in bonsai tree heaven with these!
I thought this one was especially fabulous!
Here's some of that woodwork
Even in the bathroom!
After walking the grounds admiring bonsai trees, orchids, and garden shi-sas, the tour ended us back where we started---a cool place to sit and relax!!
We relaxed and admired the impressive woodwork while sipping some ice water.

We chose tasty taco rice from their small lunch menu!!
A couple more pics for the road....
And speaking of road....
...here's the view of the road from the backseat!!
No, the picture is not "flipped," Rodney is driving on the right side of the car down a typically narrow little local road :)