A sweet lady from one of the Chapel's invited us to her adorable home on Coronado to join her and some family and friends for a potluck and to watch the Coronado parade. The especially cool part is that her home sits right on the parade route, so we had prime seating for the parade!!
The parade last almost three hours, so I'm not posting ALL the pics I took :) I tried to pick out the most non-typical ones to share.....
The parade started off with the surfers... This was actually a pre-parade. As the story goes, this group is evidently no longer allowed to be in the parade due to past issues, so now they do their own little parade before the big one starts! Check out the surf boards!

Yep, an ironing board... I trust he doesn't really try to catch any waves with it!
They performed a little routine on their boards as their finale....
The Marine Corps was represented

Naval Base Coronado had just gotten a new Commanding Officer, so he got to ride along in the parade!

Of course, the SHAMU car made an appearance :)
(Notice the spray from his blow hole?!?!)

The "Jr." Navy

Dancing Flamingos!!!
The "Big" Navy

Of course, there were floats galore, horses, Shriners in their little cars, and Queens/Kings of various groups. But these were the most interesting to pass on.....
But here comes the grand finale......City Sanitation!!
Wishing each of you a Safe, Happy and Clean 4th of July for years to come :)