That is when we met Truman! He was the cutest little fur-ball! At the time, he was 2 months and weighed about 2 pounds. He was the runt of the litter, but seemed to be the smartest! Well, needless to say, we he stole our hearts. She wanted to keep him until he was 3 months old, just to be sure that as the runt, no issues developed. That actually worked out perfectly for us....I was able to finish the school year and be home for the summer to start all the puppy training stuff. Although, that turned out to be not near as bad as I had imagined----he was already pee pad trained and, as I said earlier, he was a smart little guy!!
When we first claimed him, his name was going to be Bailey. Then on the way home with him, Rodney made the comment he wanted "a strong name" for him (Remember, the movie "Where the Heart Is"?) and 'Truman' just popped into my head. So from that moment on, Truman was his name. Except of course when he's being particularly ornery, then he's 'Truman Bailey Weaver'!!
For such a little guy, he truly was huge company when Rodney was gone. Then, when we moved out here he kept me busy when Rodney was gone on the ship. He also allowed us to meet lots of people. Seems out here its almost a prerequisite to own a dog! So we met lots of neighbors just out in the neighborhood walking the dog!!
Here are just a variety of pictures to cute not to post.......